Bengaluru Sep. 6: Raahat (The Safe Community Foundation) extends its heartfelt appreciation to the Karnataka State Government and the State Transport Department for the issuance of the much-awaited Notification, dated August 17, 2023, regarding the implementation of High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) for old/existing vehicles (registered prior to April 1, 2019) in the State.
The journey towards implementing HSRPs for new vehicles (manufactured post-April 1, 2019) began in Karnataka with the introduction of G.S.R. No. 1162(E) dated December 4, 2018, and S.O 6052(E) dated December 6, 2018. Karnataka has earned recognition for its proactive approach to decision-making, efficient enforcement of road safety measures, and the digitalization of transport-related services.
The HSRP scheme directly contributes to national security by enhancing vehicle safety and security while curbing vehicle-related criminal activities. With the issuance of the HSRP Notification dated August 17, 2023, and a detailed circular dated August 18, 2023, by the Karnataka State Government, affixing HSRPs on vehicles registered before April 1, 2019, is now mandatory, aligning with Supreme Court guidelines, amended Rule 50 of the CMVR, and notifications/statutory orders by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH).
Raahat would like to mention that State Government of Karnataka has adopted the OEM model i.e. affixation of HSRP will be carried out by the authorised automobile dealers of the vehicle manufacturers only. Several other States like Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim etc. had adopted the OEM model for old vehicles in their respective states and is implementing successfully.
Key Features of the HSRP Scheme and How to Affix Them:
Authorized automobile dealers of OEMs will affix HSRPs on old/existing vehicles.
Approximately 4000 dealer points across the state will install HSRPs.
HSRP manufacturers authorized by OEMs are the sole suppliers to authorized dealers.
A unified web portal,, allows vehicle owners to order HSRPs, select dealer locations for affixation, and choose convenient installation dates and times.
Affixing HSRPs is a cashless transaction, with fees payable online.
The State Transport Department has approved the option for affixation at the vehicle owner’s residence or workplace.

Appeal to Vehicle Owners of Karnataka:
Order HSRPs exclusively through the portal, directly linked to authorized HSRP manufacturers of OEMs. Avoid procuring HSRPs from the open market, as they are considered illegal.
As per the guidelines issued by the Transport Department, no transactions at the RTOs such as change of ownership, address modification, duplicate RC, insurance update, fitness approval etc. shall be allowed without the affixation of HSRP in the State.
Vehicle owners have been advised to affix HSRP on their vehicles at the earliest and not wait till the last date of 17th November 2023 for affixation of HSRPs.
Appeal to the Karnataka State Government:
Appeal to State Government of Karnataka
Counterfeit/ Lookalike plates: A major impediment to this delayed implementation of HSRP scheme for old/ existing vehicle in the State, is a flourishing market for counterfeit/ lookalike HSRP plates. These are nothing but ordinary number plates which are made in such a way that they resemble High Security Registration Plates in appearance. Such plates do not have the unique laser codes, which is a key feature of HSRP plates and is updated in VAHAN portal of the Transport Department. These plates also lack other security and safety features of HSRP such as high visibility in low light due to retro-reflectivity.
Unauthorised HSRP manufacturers: The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has issued an advisory dated 09.06.2023 to the Transport Departments of all States and UTs in India. The extract of the advisory is as follows: “It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry that some HSRP vendors have been involved in the manufacturing and affixing of unauthorised High Security Registration Plates to the vehicles across various states in India. These manufactures are neither authorised by the State/ UTs nor are they approved by the respective OEMs to affix HSRPs to the OEM’s brand of vehicle, thereby rendering the HSRP affixed as unauthorised.”
The same advisory further quotes “5. States are advised to take strong punitive action including blacklisting / termination against such unauthorised HSRP agencies which are opening supplying au authorised HSRPs in the market to unsuspecting and gullible vehicle owners.”
Vehicle owners are therefore advised to refrain from procuring either look alike/counterfeit/duplicate number plates from the open market or from such unauthorised HSRP manufacturers.
The State Government of Karnataka has thus launched one unified portal of SIAM to order HSRPs irrespective of brand/ make/class of vehicles.
We on the behalf of Raahat (The Safe Community Foundation) requests the State Government to restrict sale of ordinary/ lookalike number plates as well as take immediate action against the unauthorised HSRP manufacturers who are cheating the innocent vehicle owners.
Awareness Campaigns:
Awareness Campaigns: We also appeal to the State Government of Karnataka to carry out mass awareness campaigns regarding the mandatory affixation of HSRP on vehicles registered prior to 1st April 2019 through electronic/ print/ radio/ social media channels.
We have been advocating for a pan-India implementation of HSRP scheme on all vehicles for many years since HSRP is one of the resources that enhances Road Safety and helps in identification and prevention of criminal activities and miscreants. In States where this has been implemented thoroughly, it has been observed that the driving behaviour of vehicle owners overall has improved post affixation of HSRPs as the number plates are caught by traffic cameras and drivers tend to be more careful. It has also led to a decrease in crime arising from use of vehicles.
Moreover, implementation of HSRP scheme on the one hand generates huge employment opportunities for the youth, also generates revenue for the State in the form of the taxes. The same has been witnessed in all those states who had implemented this scheme in the past.
Raahat Foundation is confident that the proactive citizens of Karnataka, one of India’s most progressive states, will readily adopt High Security Registration Plates on their vehicles, contributing to safer roads and better driving experiences for all.