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BGS and SJB Group of Institutions has rendered invaluable service to the field of education: Hulikal Nataraj


Bengaluru, Jan. 9: Dr. Prakashanath Swamiji, Managing Director of BGS and SJB Group of Institutions, which oversees 510 educational institutions, has rendered invaluable service to the field of education, said Hulikal Nataraj, President of the Karnataka State Scientific Research Council.

He was speaking at the presentation of the Lifetime Sadhanshree Award – 2024, bestowed by the Karnataka State Scientific Research Council for unparalleled service in education, at the BGS Administrative Office Hall.

Prakashnath Swamiji, who is realizing the dreams of Bal Gangadhar through three forms of devotion, has become a transformative force in society. Nataraj commended his remarkable contributions to elevating the BGS organization to new heights, likening his work to the expansive growth of a banyan tree. He emphasized that achievements belong to the achiever, but noted that Swamiji’s continued commitment to upholding moral values in social life remains both inspiring and exemplary.

Nataraj also recalled that the Adi Chunchanagiri Math has been providing invaluable service to the fields of education and environmental sustainability for many decades.

Speaking after receiving the award, Dr. Prakashnath Swamiji, expressed that the honor was made possible through the cooperation of all teachers, deans, and staff members. He highlighted that his threefold service continues in line with the ideals and wishes of Bal Gangadhar Nath Swami. Additionally, he announced that BGS would contribute an annual incentive of up to Rs. 5 lakh to the Karnataka State Scientific Research Council, which fosters scientific spirit across the nation.

Leaders from various departments of BGS Educational Institutions, including Medical College Principal Dr. Moha, Engineering College Principal Dr. Ravindra (a former Medical Council member), and others, were present at the event to congratulate Dr. Prakashnath Swamiji on his achievement.

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